
Technology innovation for sustainability

The successful transition to a climate-smart and sustainable global economy depends on technology innovation at scale. All of this will heighten demand for raw materials and energy.

To achieve our climate and sustainability goals, it’s vital that we innovate, adopt and scale clean energy technologies, and rapidly digitise new products, services and processes.

Technology innovation is what we do every day. We deliver:

Innovation throughout your business

Creating the ecosystems needed to enable true innovation: from business models to financing support, and from connecting innovators through to scale up

Products and services

Designing and developing sustainable products and services with circularity in mind

Manufacturing optimisation

Increasing the productivity and efficiency of manufacturing and waste processing

Data and insights

Identifying and connecting technologies to obtain, understand and visualise data for smarter insights and decision making across all operational areas


Creating smart and science-based strategies for technologies, circularity, scope 3 emissions eradication and procurement


Understanding existing policies and staying ahead of forthcoming regulations globally

What real change looks like

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